IVF treatment
IVF treatment
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Micheal Lynn Nelson is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hey friends, Graham and Meshell here. Unlike other stories here, we aren’t in a emergency. As some of you may know, we have struggled with fertility/miscarriage issues for almost two years. I personally have for 15 years. Those who have experienced infertility know just how much it can weigh on you, your spouse, your finances and your family.
What people often don’t talk about is how infertility is like an elephant in the room. It started with people asking us when we were going to have a baby, or if we were trying. All my friends having babies and not being a mom enough to join the friend groups. That grew into doubt and wondering if something was wrong, or if our journey was just going look a little different. Quite literally months grew into years and now we are running out of time.
We are working with a fertility specialist and found out I have low Ovarian Reserve 1.10. I need to do IVF and atleast frezze our embryos, if we want children. The first month (June 2023) was 3,000 and IVF will cost us between 23,000-35,000. My insurance covers nothing yet (trying to get something) . We are just trying to make our dream come true.
I was asked why not start a gofund me page and after praying about it felt to put it out there for people to bless our baby fund if they feel led. Which we update our journey on Facebook so you can “follow your money”. Link will be below.
So if you don’t mind praying for us and our extended family even, as this touches us all. Share this with your friends, you never know who it can touch. Lastly if you feel led, please donate to the cause, even 5 dollars will eventually add up. Then maybe you can say you had a hand in our miracle baby coming earth side.
Thanks for reading this and hearing our heart. Blessing to you all.
-The Nelson’s
FB link https://www.facebook.com/MEHELL?mibextid=ZbWKwL
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Micheal Lynn Nelson is organizing this fundraiser.